Inter Lenses ships to the United States and doesn’t require you to have a prescription.
If you have a contact lenses prescription that’s nearly or more than one year old, need contacts soon, and don’t plan to get a new prescription just yet, you’ve probably found out that overseas retailers that you once bought contacts from without a prescription (mainly from the UK) are no longer shipping to the United States.
Browsing Reddit threads from Redditors going through a similar predicament and I came across Inter lenses (their site here.) Based in Lisboa, Portugal, Inter lenses are a contact lens seller that, as of this blog post, proudly boasts you can order contacts without a prescription!

Interlenses even has a page dedicated for their U.S. customers (linked here), so that’s reassuring.
I just needed one month’s supply of Acuvue Vita contacts so I ordered two boxes (one for each eye) and placed my order.
(1) month supply came out to $25.62 a box and shipping and handling was just $5.72.
The grand total was $56.96.
Compare that price to my usual site, AC Lens, a 6-pack of Acuvue Vita’s are for 56.99. Costco’s not that much cheaper at $49.87 a box.
Inter Lenses is way cheaper!
Shipping from Portugal, I expected to wait more than a week.
Two weeks later, my contacts finally arrived.

The shipping address wasn’t from Lisboa but was from a private address in Charneca, about a half hour away which I thought is worth noting.
Regardless, my contacts came wrapped in a bubble envelope placed in the shipping envelope.
My two boxes of Acuvue Vita lenses came intact, undamaged, and in the correct prescription.

If you’re like me and are wondering why your Johnson & Johnson contact lenses are now sealed in a light purple packaging, concerned, I contacted Johnson & Johnson and they confirmed they’ve changed the color of their seal from the white and blue you’re used to, to a light purple.
So, yes, for the time being (and hopefully for a long time to come) you can order contacts from Inter Lenses without a prescription, and they’ll ship it to the United States, no problem.
The only con is that it’s shipping from 4,000+ miles away so, it’s going to take longer than a week to get to you.
Other than that, feel confident ordering your contacts from Inter Lenses!